My name is Salvador

I’m a Software Engineer passionate about web technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, web browsers, standards, pattern designs and performance. Pick one you say? JavaScript definitely! I like to try the different dev tools and frameworks out there. I’m always interested in tips and tricks that can make development easier.

The main reason why I decided to make a living out of creating software is because of the impact that software does on business and more importantly on people. And that’s something I’ve found on the web… so here I am.

I’m by no means an expert I just know how to get things done and I’ve learned a few tricks in the process.

As for today I’m currently part of the awesome dev team at Polaris that must provide the tools needed to create our sites and make sure our customers have the best experience when stopping by.

Besides my professional interests I like dogs, to play guitar, to work out and lately I’m into cooking.